Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Tongue Twisters...

Well, my dear friends; I have some answers to the questions I have been asking about my current health situation. Today I had an MRI done up in St. Louis and consulted with my St. Louis ENT about the results.

The test came back showing everything being healthy. There was no sign of cancer anywhere. That is always a good thing to find out.

So the official conclusion and diagnosis of the current situation I find myself in with my difficulty in operating my tongue, and thus causing trouble in speaking & eating is this:
This is all probably a result of the 12th Cranial Nerve being damaged from my radiation treatment back in 1999. This is what they call “a delayed effect”. Up until these past couple weeks, I didn’t know I could have delayed effects; but apparently the tongue problems I’m having is a common delayed effect among radiation patients.

My options are few and limited. Basically, it is to be thankful for what I DO have and for what I DON’T have. Speech Therapy is one route that can provide exercises and “tricks” I can learn to compensate for the lack of mobility. As well, my doctor believes that the mouth will adapt & develop countermeasures to lessen the difficulty. However, nothing (short of a miracle) will reverse the delayed result that my tongue is now experiencing.

I thank you all for your countless prayers & loving support during this time of not knowing…and I thank you for your continued prayers & loving support in the days ahead as I determine how this will influence all my future tomorrows.


Anonymous said...

How come your teeth are SOOOOO white when I know for a fact that you drink coffee incessantly? That pic is somebody else's mouth isn't it?

Anonymous said...

it is obvious u dip