With December so quickly passing by, I am beginning to take a look back at 2006. My question for you is what would you say has been the best innovation/invention/convenience that has come into your life in 2006? May not be new to the world; but it may be new to you. I would love to hear your thoughts! I will post my thought soon.
For me, it would be my laptop that I got in August. I thought it would be weird to have a laptop instead of a desktop, but it is so much easier! It doesn't matter where I sit in my room or where I go, it is always in the perfect spot. I know that that is not a new revolation to anyone, but it was to me. And I am so thankful that I have it!
Dr. Neil,
I'm not sure what I would put. Probably the TV remote control. I've discovered that it has a power button on it and I can turn the TV off on occasion. By discovering this I have found that I have more time for all of those things that I couldn't have done before.
I got to your page by just doing a search of "Crossings Community Church" in blog postings and landed on an e-mail you posted which reflected some of your thoughts following your battle with cancer.
The mid to late 1990s were sucky for many of us at MBC weren't they? And in your e-mail you gave a word of thanks to Crossings for being there during your ordeal. Crossings is such an awesome place. Had it not been for the Spirit prompting me to go there in January of 1997 I am not sure that I would still be in church or even alive today. When my dad died in February, that church of only 6 weeks reaced out to me in ways that my childhood church could have never done (of course having lots of my MBC buds going there with me helped!). God knew in January that I was going to need tons of support and love in February--he truly has perfect timing.
Hope God has continued to show you new and wonderful paths!
~David Burton
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