Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dr. Farmer sowing the seeds of love

Dr. Paul Farmer on 60 Minutes:

My good friend, Corrin, was the first to introduce me to Dr. Farmer. When I first heard of him, I seriously thought he was a fictitious character, for he is such a dynamic person!

Dr. Farmer proves that one person CAN make a lasting difference in this ever-shrinking world. When you love your neighbor, you improve your world; and YOUR world in turn quickly changes THE world at large.

Corrin, thank you for introducing me to Dr. Farmer; and once again, thank you for some of the kindest words anyone has ever bestowed upon me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh that's so amazing to see the book in real life. To see the unpaved roads and the lives that he was touched. Simply amazing.

You're welcome, Neil. I mean every word.